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Frequently Asked Questions

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About Fern Valley Forest School


What is forest school?

Forest School is a child-led, hands-on, play-based learning experience that takes place in and around nature. At forest school, children are encouraged to explore and become familiar with the natural world around them. They play independently, as well as with their peers, and are supported through developing their own risk assessment. 

Forest school offers multiple benefits for children, including, but not limited to, building confidence, increasing motivation & concentration, promoting positive self-esteem, creativity, and of course, creating a lifelong meaningful relationship with the natural world.

When does the program operate?

The program will align with the local school district’s typical calendar year (September- June) and summer camps will be available in July and August. The regular forest school program runs 9:30 am till 12:30 pm Monday through Friday.

Will my child be outside the whole time?

Yes! As the saying goes, “there’s no such thing as bad weather- just inappropriate clothing.” In other words, it’s never a bad day to get outside, as long as you’re dressed in suitable clothing for the conditions.

What about freezing temperatures or storms?

In some extreme cases, such as dangerously high winds, extremely low temperatures, chance of thunder and lightning storms, or unsafe road conditions, we may need to meet at a different location or in some instances, cancel class for everyone’s safety. We will follow the local school district’s cancellations, and we may have to cancel if schools are delayed, but we will be sure to alert all caregivers in a timely manner.


Does my child need to be potty-trained?

We understand that this process is different for all children. We will assist your child with gentle reminders and routines. When students are in the forest they will be guided to outdoor bathrooms and/or taught Leave No Trace bathrooming principles.

Accidents happen! If your child does have an accident, we will utilize your child’s extra clothes and help them change.

What if my child needs to use the bathroom while at forest school?

We have a portable potty that we carry with us and a specific place in an area away from the “classroom” for privacy. We carry all the supplies needed to clean the children properly after using the bathroom, as well as to clean their hands.

Can I stay with my child?

We do offer a program for children 6 months - 3 years of age, “Little Fronds,” where a caregiver is recommended to attend with the child(ren). For our regular forest school program that is a drop-off only program, which means caregivers are not allowed to attend. This is for the safety of our students as well as the need to comply with insurance-related responsibilities. We will absolutely have volunteer opportunities available where parents will be welcome to visit and help with special activities. We will also have community events where families can all attend together.

What does my child need to bring?

We ask that all students have a backpack that they can carry themselves, that will hold the following items: a clipboard, a water bottle, a nutritious snack, and a change of clothes in a gallon ziploc bag, in case of any accidents.

What happens if my child gets cold?

We ask that all caregivers dress children in appropriate clothing based on the weather. This may include thermals/base layers, warm mid-layers, waterproof pants and jacket, and/or snow gear.


Are the teachers trained in first aid and CPR?

All of our teachers are trained in first aid and CPR. Our substitute teachers are not required to be trained, but are always paired with a teacher who is.

What happens if there is an accident?

As mentioned above, there will always be a teacher present that is trained in first-aid and CPR. Teachers carry stocked first-aid kits, as well as their cell phones to have with them at all times, in case of an emergency. The children’s safety is always our number one priority.

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